Privacy Betrayed as Twitter Sells Archive

I’m still at RSA, and busy so this will be quick. This story cropped up on my news feed this morning: “Privacy betrayed: Twitter sells multi-billion tweet archive”. Some quick thoughts:

I’ll be interested to see if this story gets picked up elsewhere and spun-up until it ends up on CNN as some large scandalous injustice. Who knows, maybe if it does become a big story it will help the public realize that if they say something publicly on the Internet everyone will have access to it.


On a positive note, I’m getting a fantastic vibe at RSA and meeting some great people. I’ll try to wrap it all up in a post this weekend.


Now read this

Every Application is An Analytical App

I just read Gartner’s Top 10 Tech Trends for 2015. It’s always fun to read predictions and this list contains all of the usual suspects (the Internet of Things, Cloud, 3D printing, etc.) but number four on the list caught my attention:... Continue →